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Prospecting Report
Updated over a week ago

Note: This feature is only available for MSP plan only

What’s the feature about?

Prospecting reports are the perfect way for the MSP to generate a report summarizing a potential client’s risk across the digital footprint and the dark web of a prospect or customer.

This information can attract new potential clients with relevant points of interest, enabling you to shape the conversation and tailor your offering to win them over!

The purpose of the report is to:

  1. Get new business - Create a report for new MSP prospective customers to convince them to join your MSP services (including Guardz)

  2. Add existing customers of yours to Guardz - Create a report to your existing MSP customers to convince them to join Guardz.

The scan is not intrusive. Guardz scans for the internet-facing assets of your prospect, which hackers can exploit. Out-of-the-box, each MSP account can create certain number of reports based on their MSP subscription.

💎 Tip: We recommend notifying your prospect/ customer prior to running the scan so they’ll expect that in the meeting

How to create a Prospecting report?

  • Navigate to your MSP dashboard (All Customers) and click ‘+Prospecting Report’ or to the Reports page and then click ‘Create a New Report.’

  • Add the company domain for which you want Guardz to run a risk assessment.

  • Once initiated, Guardz will automatically discover the digital footprint of the prospect (Public IPs, Domains, and sub-domains) and will use those digital assets as input to conduct the two scans - External Surface and the Dark web.

    *The scan can take between 3 hours and up to 72 hours.

    When the report is ready, you’ll be notified by email.

  • In case Guardz detected compromised users, if you wish to view the compromised user credentials that have been detected during the scan, please reach out to the Guardz support team via chat or email: [email protected], and we'll share it with you directly.

  • In the Reports dashboard, you can view all your generated reports.

    For each report, you’ll see the prospect domain, Customer name, Industry type, Number of employees, the requested report date, and the report Status (In progress / Ready).

  • Action buttons available:

    • View Report - This opens a dark-mode PDF of the report.

    • Printer Friendly Report - This opens a light-mode PDF of the report which requires less ink to print.

    • Full Details - Download the technical findings of the External vulnerability scan.
      * Due to security reasons, the Compromised credentials will not be shared in this file but should be requested explicitly from the Guardz support team

    • Customize - This will be available only after the report is ready - if the Company Size or the Industry were not identified automatically as part of the scan, you will need to add them manually so that the calculation of the ‘Possible Financial Loss’ and the Benchmark will be accurate.
      Additionally, you can customize the Currency from this pop-up.

    • Remove - If a report is no longer needed, it can be selected from the list using the ‘Remove’ button.

The Prospecting Report

Scan results will be summarized in an aggregated view, designed to communicate risk to a non-technical business owner.

  • Cyber Risk Analysis of Your Business - compare the prospective company's Risk Score to its industry (other companies in the same sector).

  • Possible Financial Loss - this formula aims to estimate the potential financial loss that can happen based on the scan results, considering the industry, the findings, the size of the digital footprint (number of discovered assets), and the company's size.

  • Main Findings - a few highlights from detected issues will show up here. You can download the raw data to view the complete list of issues.

If the CSV export version of the report is empty it is likely because there were no external scan issues found. This happens when the domain is clean or error-free and usually because it is a new domain or a domain that does not have any web services or additional assets running.

FAQ prospecting reports

  • Question: Why can’t I generate more Prospecting reports? OR What do I do when I reach my max capacity of reports?

    • 📍Answer: Every MSP gets, by default, the option to generate up to 10 prospecting reports during their Trial, up to 20 while using the Starter plan, and up to 100 while working with the Pro plan.

  • Question: When should you create a prospect report?

    • 📍Answer: Our suggestion is to use the Prospecting Report mainly for the following 2 reasons:

      • To get new business - Create a report for new MSP prospective customers to convince them to join your MSP services (including Guardz protection)

      • To add existing customers of yours to Guardz protection - Create a report to your existing MSP customers to convince them to join Guardz service

  • Question: Where can I view the full scan details?

    • 📍Answer: In the main Prospecting Report table, on the right side, you have the option to Download Raw Data. In this CSV file, you can see the full scan results.

  • Question: Why does rerunning a prospecting report after fixing issues found will show the same results?

    • 📍Answer: For scans that are part of the Prospecting Report, it’ll be static and not continuous, and therefore the results will not change.

      The goal of the report is to create a risk assessment on a prospect of yours and support a discussion with them and not to manage the customer.

      Once you onboard the customer, they’ll enjoy continuous scans and all additional protection through Guardz.

  • Question: How do I add my logo to the Prospecting report?

    • 📍Answer: You can easily add your logo to the report via the Organization settings.

      You can read more about it in the Account Settings article.

  • Question: Can I create a new prospecting report for a current client?

    • 📍Answer: The Prospect Report should be used to get the attention of new leads.

      If you need a refreshed report, using the ROI report is better.

      However, if you need to recreate the Prospect Report specifically, please reach out to our support team to assist you with such a case.

  • Question: What happens when I reach the capacity of 10 prospecting reports?

    • 📍Answer: To access more reports, you'll need to upgrade to our Pro plan with an annual commitment, which includes 100 prospecting reports. If you use all 100, we may be able to provide additional reports upon request.

  • Question: My logo isn’t showing up on my prospecting report for one customer. How do I fix it?

    • 📍Answer: Make sure that you do not have the Global Branding override enabled as this will prevent your information from being displayed properly. Select the single customer view to see the appropriate settings.

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