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July 2023 Release Notes
Prospecting Report Redesign (Release Notes July 2023)
Prospecting Report Redesign (Release Notes July 2023)
Updated over a week ago

Based on feedback from our partners across the industry we have enhanced the Prospecting Report (AKA Risk Assessment Report). We hear over and over again how this report has helped our MSP partners win new business by showing their prospects and customers where they need to improve their security posture and how Guardz is the right tool for them. For this reason, we enhanced and expanded this risk assessment from a 1-pager to a multi-page story that is designed to walk a customer through their current and potential risk. Check out this new report asap and see first-hand how it can help you grow your business.

Some highlights from the new report:

  • Updated Cyber Posture Rating to better represent a company’s risk score and how it benchmarks within their industry.

  • Broader discovery of External Risk findings across 4 categories and 15+ sub-categories.

  • Details of risky technologies, services and assets (domains & IPs) from External Surface Scan.

  • Details of compromised credentials from Dark Web Scan.

  • Glossary of terms to help business owners better understand the content of the report.

  • Summary of Common Threats & FAQs to simplify the conversation and speak the language of the business owner.

Check it out right now by generating a new "prospecting report" from the MSP Dashboard or reporting page.

Pro-tip: you can regenerate an old report in the new style by clicking the customize button and confirming. Also, if you haven't already, don't forget to add your MSP logo and contact info to make it a more personalized report.

Group 758711
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