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Security Awareness Training
Security Awareness Training
Updated over a week ago

What’s the Security Awareness Training about?

Security awareness training is a critical element of any organization’s cybersecurity strategy. If done well, it helps educate employees on security risks and best practices and how to identify and respond to potential threats.

85% of significant attacks start with the human factor. Security awareness training for users can help organizations reduce the risk of data breaches, malware infections, phishing attempts, and other malicious activities.

Organizations can ensure their data is secure and protected from cyberattacks by providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe online.

Awareness Templates & Automation

Using the steps in the section below, configure and deploy awareness campaign templates for monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly campaigns, providing a truly “set and forget” experience. The templates allow the MSP to reuse sets of trainings and schedules, rather than recreating the trainings content and schedule each time new customers are added.

  • Global Campaign Setup: Easily set up campaign templates for all your customers at once. You can select all companies or specific companies.

  • Default Campaigns: Start with 12 predefined monthly campaigns, which can be customized in frequency, content and language.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Choose from predefined frequencies, set start dates and manage the order of campaigns.

  • Comprehensive Tracking: Monitor the status of each campaign, including completion rates and user engagement, directly from the Awareness Page.​

Security Awareness Training Capabilities

The main function is to create Awareness campaigns with the relevant topic and send it to the account users or specific groups.

The predefined topics contain 2-4 videos per sequence. Most of the videos also contain follow-up quizzes.

The admin can track the progress of each Awareness campaign and later use Awareness campaigns as an educational step on issues and send campaigns to specific users/groups as a remediation step.

The users will complete the Awareness training in the User Portal.

How to create Awareness training?

  1. Required Language:
    Choose the required language

  2. Campaign Topic:
    You can choose the campaign topic from the different suggested topics. ​

  3. Review Videos:
    You have the option to review the videos in the campaign by clicking on each one of them.

  4. Assign Users & Schedule:

    1. Schedule Campaign:
      Set the Start Date of the Awareness training.
      If the date is set to today's date then the campaign will be sent immediately to the assigned employees.
      If you choose a later start date, it'll be sent between 9-10 AM based on your local time on the selected date.

    2. User Selection:
      Choose the users you would like to target in the campaign:

      1. Users - select specific users you want to target in your campaign. You can invite additional users after the campaign goes live.
        * This can be used for internal testing of the campaign as well

      2. Groups - select the groups you want to target. The groups are reflected from your Google/Microsoft admin account.
        Once you choose the groups, you’ll be shown the potential users to which the campaign will be assigned.

  5. Send the campaign:
    Review the message and send the email to your users:

    1. Send from Guardz - the end user will receive the Awareness campaign from Guardz’s email address.
      It’s quick and easy! But you won’t be able to edit the email - subject, copy, and email address it’ll be sent from

    2. Open in your Email - using this, your own email will open, and you’ll need to send the email from there. This will allow you to customize the email subject and the body fully. DO NOT change the URLs.

    3. Assign without Email - You can assign the campaign to the users without sending them an official email. Accessing the user portal can be done using other ways.​​

  6. Track Progress - Once the campaign is sent to the users, you can track the progress of the campaigns under ‘Active Campaigns’ located in the main module screen.

    For each active campaign, you can view the progress of each user - when the email was sent to them, what group they're in, and their status. You can also go ahead and take action from this screen and invite new users to the campaign or, alternatively, resend the campaign to the same users.

Note: New users that are added to campaigns will automatically receive any campaigns that are scheduled to be sent after the new user has been added. They will also receive any future campaigns within a given template.

💡 We have created the User Portal Guide so you can send it to your users before sending the Awareness campaign so they know better what to expect.

Supported Languages for Awareness Training

  • Dutch

  • English

  • Hebrew

  • Spanish

  • French

Awareness Issue Types and Remediations

The issues related to the Awareness Training will appear after 14 days when users still need to complete the campaign or when no campaign has been created for the user. This includes Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) whose detection worker runs multiple times a day. Issues will remain listed as “in progress” until and a resolution is detected.

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