The device is stuck at “Isolating” state
Isolating a device usually takes 1 to 5 minutes if it is online. If it’s offline, it will be isolated as soon as it goes online and starts communicating with our backend.
Troubleshooting Steps
Make sure that the device is online and communicating with the Guardz backend by checking its last seen time in the dashboard.
Device stuck at “Isolated” or “Releasing” state
During isolation, the device can only communicate with the Guardz backend. If you’d like to release the device from isolation, it’s recommended to navigate to the Guardz dashboard, open the device details drawer, and release the device from there. For the device to be successfully released, it’s required that the device be online and communicating with the Guardz backend.
Troubleshooting Steps
Make sure that the device is online and communicating with the Guardz backend by checking its last seen time in the dashboard.
If for any reason you still can’t release the device, stop the Guardz device agent, which will release the device until it’s started again manually or on device restart. Please note that stopping the device agent will also temporarily disable all of the Guardz device agent features so this method should usually not be used. If you still wish to stop the Guardz agent, follow the steps below:
Start the “Services” app by opening the Windows menu and searching for “Services”.
Find the “Guardz Agent” service in the service list.
Right-click the “Guardz Agent” service and select “Stop”.
The isolation button doesn’t exist
Host isolation is only supported on Windows devices with agent version 1.0.68 or newer. If host isolation is not supported by the device agent installed on the device then the “Isolate device” button won’t show up.
Troubleshooting Steps
Make sure that the device agent version is 1.0.68 or newer.
Make sure that the device’s operating system is Windows or Windows Server.
Updated over a month ago